Esther Chapter 9 tells us what happens after the victory. After the Jews found their courage, they were able to overpower their enemies and became powerful. The Bible tells us in Romans 8:37 that Despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.
To overpower means to overcome with superior force or subdue, to affect with overwhelming intensity, or to provide more power than is needed or desirable.
Have you ever felt overwhelmed or overpowered by something? What did it feel like? Well, that’s the effect God wants the church to have on this world. He wants the Church to have overwhelming influence in the seven mountains of society: family, religion, education, media, arts & entertainment, business, and government. We are not just to be slightly present, but to usher in a new era on Earth!
We are to usher in a new era on Earth!
It starts by transforming from Hadassah to Esther. It all starts there but ends in an overwhelming victory for the Kingdom within you and around you. This transformation leads to an overwhelming victory for the Kingdom in and around us.
This victory was crucial for the Jews, and they celebrate it with feasting and storytelling as it serves as a reminder of God’s faithfulness. In God’s view, this kind of remembering is expecting it to happen again. For us, embracing the story of Esther repeatedly in your life will empower you to overcome challenges.
Remembering is expecting it to happen again.
We need to learn from the story of Esther and the Bible. If you want to change, you should first understand what Christianity means to you. It’s more than just following traditions or seeking a better life; it’s about continually transforming yourself into the image of God and representing him better each day. When you have once walked this transformation from Hadassah to Esther you can do it over and over again. Be transformed again and overpower again.
2. kor 3:18 So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image
The veil that stops us from transformation is the lie that tells us we can live without God’s transformation in our lives, just like the lie told in Eden by the serpent. However, we have the opportunity to be transformed and become a new creation through Jesus Christ by following his example.
2. Kor 5:21 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
You can be transformed over and over again.
In Esther’s story, Purim became the feast of “when their sorrow was turned into gladness and their mourning into joy.” Esther 9:22. If you are in the middle of something, remember this promise! If you do things God’s way, you will not be overpowered. If you are having a good life right now but don’t know what to do as a Christian, now you know. You can find yourself in this story and get some hints on what you are supposed to do, and what God expects from you.
It all starts with deciding to be an Esther and transforming from Hadassah to Esther. This journey ends in overpowering darkness in the spheres of influence around us. All the steps in between are the Christian New Covenant life that we are supposed to be living.