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Breakthroughs happen in unexpected ways because God is so creative! Based on the book of Esther, one thing is certain: victories are somehow connected to us being transformed into an Esther Christian who walks in God’s plan and focuses on God.
In Esther 5:6, the King asked at the first banquet, “What do you really want?” Esther didn’t tell him but asked the king to come again. What did she really want? She wanted the best for the kingdom. She didn’t have an agenda to promote Jews, which is obvious in Chapter 7:4, where she told the king she had no problem with them being slaves of the King—which meant good for the King whether he sold them or gained them as slaves.
What did Esther want?
Esther’s deepest wish was to do things right for everyone, including the King, and to have another banquet with the King before asking for things, as she said in Esther 5:7. For us Christians, sometimes it takes a couple of banquets to get into the place where we see what is best for the Kingdom of God. To show God that you have Him on your mind now and you have Him on your mind always. One concert shouting Jesus in the Lord is not enough, but it is a good start. You are telling God with some humor: “Hey God, rescue me, and these banquets will continue!”
Hey God, rescue me, and these banquets will continue!
In Esther 6:1, the KING started moving on Esther’s behalf. The story tells us that the King sees a dream and ends up honoring Mordecai and humiliating Haman. What was Esther doing? What Esthers are supposed to do, is be busy preparing the King a great banquet. Think about this, you worship God and give to God, and he starts moving on your behalf.
God goes after your enemies, and you, an Esther, are still preparing the banquet. When we move to the end of chapter 6, even Haman’s wife and relatives tell Haman that you are going to fall before Mordecai (6:13). So you start hearing signs of the breakthrough, and they might not be connected to the specific thing you are expecting to happen, but they are signs that something is starting to break.
In Chapter 7, when Esther reveals the plan of Haman and imagine what the king was feeling. The king feels the plan is a personal treason to him as he learns Haman wants to destroy Esther and her people. This all seems in the King’s eyes a personal attack on him. That Haman is purposefully plotting against the peace of the kingdom by trying to get rid of the faithful, good, and honorable Queen Esther, and maybe put his own ungrateful, headstrong Vashti with an agenda to the King’s inner circle. That scenario was not uncommon in that culture. Imagine how this feeling was elevated later when he learned that the guy he just honored was to be killed by Haman too. Well played God!
You worship God and give to God, and he starts moving on your behalf.
For you Esther!
Why will God move on your behalf? Because we are an Esther. Who is Esther? I can tell you who she is not. She is not Hadassah, and she is not Vashti. But only we can show who is the transformed Esther. Remember this, Hadassah might also get the benefits of the king moving and saving Jews, but to Esther, it is a personal thing. The king is for her!
This is how God sees the enemy when he tries to attack those who are showing him honor, worshiping, and giving banquets to him: “How dare you go after my Queen Esther?”
In this chapter, the source of evil in Esther’s life is destroyed by the king. For us, it means we get our personal Haman out of our backs. But wait, the story is not over yet! Others are still suffering because of this evil plot.
We must understand that we are representing a King who is moving while you are preparing him a banquet. Esthers are not satisfied just to get our personal Haman out of our backs. They know breakthroughs come for a purpose, the purpose is Heaven on Earth, which means to bring God’s character on Earth.
Are you starting to see with me the pattern in Esther’s life that you can follow to be a Christian who overpowers darkness? God fights for you when you are an Esther! So let’s start preparing him a banquet.