In Esther Chapter 4, we read about Esther moving out of her comfort zone. Have you been living in this zone lately? The place of comfortable Christianity is not a safe place to be living as a Christian. A comfortable place is not a place of growth and breakthrough. In the comfort zone, nothing happens except rest to gather strength after you have made a faith step.
The comfort zone is not the place for Esther to dwell because it is the place of excuses. Mordecai asked Esther to step out and be brave. She had excuses. Mordecai reminded her of the reason she was in a royal position. Esther 4:13 says “And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”
We might have a pastor in our life who urgently tells us: “Listen, your child and life are in trouble; you must do something…” We say: “But no one else is doing anything, it’s not my fault, I may fail, I don’t feel any special need to talk to Jesus or do anything.” We don’t see that things will perish if we don’t do something.
I can guarantee you: Your flesh never feels a need to change! I have seen that God’s supernatural power doesn’t dwell in the comfort zone of our lives, but it is found in steps of faith.
God’s supernatural power doesn’t dwell in the comfort zone of our lives, but it is found in steps of faith.
Mordecai’s reply to her was: “What are you moping, Esther? You have the best opportunity to change things, you have an audience with the King.” In every impossible, challenging situation, a seed of victory is hidden somewhere. That situation is a potential testimony! Esther needed Mordecai to remind her of that, and finally, she got it.
She interestingly did not choose sack clothes and ashes and wailing but prayer as her first weapon. She went not before people, but before God, she was not marching around the palace but had the right words before God. You activate supernatural help by going to the real Ruler, God, and then you go before the natural ruler—good advice for every situation.
We would all like to be “such a time as this people”, but let’s just be honest, there are signs that prove if you and I are that person. Miracles that change the direction of lives never just happen; there is always preparation.
Preparation also shows faith. If you have a miracle without any preparation, then someone else prepared the way, and usually, it is a mother or grandma. Let’s not keep it as a goal because Esthers don’t do that, to have breakthroughs without preparation but prepare the way for someone else’s breakthrough.
Preparation shows faith
What are the signs in Esther’s life that help was coming?
1. She had separated herself from her old identity, from Hadassah (And the world’s attitude of Vashti).
2. She made her life’s focus and purpose to be close to the King.
3. She was acting as a representative of the Kingdom.
4. She was humble to take advice and correction from leaders.
These are very simple but profound things that we can all do if we want to position and prepare ourselves for miracles. If you have been waiting for the miracle and nothing seems to move, do these things and pray. Now you are a person who can say “I have been called to such a time as this” and it is true.