How to Step into The Plan of God?

The Book of Esther reveals the character of God in the background: the God who is always a step ahead of everyone.

The plan always wins

Long before the enemy tried to destroy Esther’s life with his plot, God gave favor to her. He gave wisdom to Mordecai. He helped the family to live with integrity. He even gave the backbone to Mordecai not to bow to Haman. God orchestrated everything to make them overcome. His character has always been this, and it will always be this: He makes us conquer.

The villain in the story, Haman the Agagite, is a hater of Jews, and he appears as a passing figure in this story, not someone who is always there. That is what the plots of the enemy in our lives are, passing things. And that is how you should view them. God’s plan stays through it all! The saying “God has a plan, but the enemy has only plots” is so well portrayed in this story.

The new you

Haman didn’t know that Esther was a Jew. He was clueless. This is a picture of us before the enemy encounters “the new royal you”. He doesn’t know what he is getting himself into. If you choose today to be an Esther, you step into the royal plan way before the enemy has a plot. Isn’t it good that God allows you to be victorious and gives you the position before the plot to destroy you comes? 

When we make adjustments and decisions to be transformed into something God wants us to be, into an Ester, we find God is very active and working to make us victorious. He is not afraid to upset the enemy! He can handle any attack. 

The transformation from Hadassah to Esther starts by getting rid of the worldly entitlement attitude of Queen Vashti, getting stronger in our adoption and love of God, submitting to spiritual leaders for the sake of the Lord, and letting go of the past. This is how you are prepared for any spiritual attack.

Is this a plot?

How do you recognize the plot of the enemy? It includes stealing, killing, and destroying (John. 10:10). The enemy wants to harm more than just you. Haman was not satisfied to destroy only one man Mordecai in the story (Esther 3.6), but he wanted to destroy all the Jews. This meant he wanted to destroy the whole plan of God for the Messiah Jesus to come through the Jewish people. In our lives, the enemy targets the plan of God and he wants to destroy it in your life and in the lives of people around you. And bring as much shame to the name of God in the process as he can.

Fight against the plot using the instructions given in 1 Tim. 1:8. “Timothy, my son, here are my instructions for you, based on the prophetic words spoken about you earlier. May they help you fight well in the Lord’s battles.” 

Use the prophetic words spoken to you, the revelation of your adoption, or scripture that has come alive to you as weapons to fight. Use those things that talk about your future and position. You have received them from the Mordecais in your life while you have been transforming from Hadassah to Esther.

There will be plots, but they will never be greater than the plan. You must position yourself today for the future and not be afraid but be awake and realize the plots will come. God equips you to win well beforehand if you have chosen to be an Esther. Esther can’t be overpowered!

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